

On Convergence Properties of the Deep JKO Scheme.
This work is unpublished, but a copy is readily available. For contextual information on the deep JKO scheme, see [LWL].

Other Technical Works

Clarifying The Tangent Space. (PDF)

Algebraic Topology Problems. (PDF)
Five documents summing over thirty pages expositing solutions to textbook problems in algebraic topology. The fifth such document is presented here and others are available. The explicit questions have been omitted due to their academic sensitivity.

Category Theory Problems. (PDF) Eleven documents summing over seventy pages of detailed solutions to numerous problems in category theory and homological algebra. Again, one such document is presented here and explicit questions have been omitted due to their academic sensitivity.

A Qualitative Introduction To Lie Theory (with applications to quantum physics) (PDF)
For context, see June 2023 on the Projects page.


Statement of Purpose. (PDF)
Written for graduate school applications in the Fall of 2023.


On Quantum First-Passage Time. (Link)

Poetry. Available upon request.